范雯,女,江苏南京人。爱尔兰都柏林大学(UNIVERSITY COLLEGE DUBLIN)经济学博士,无党派人士,伟德BETVlCTOR1946源于英国劳动与社会保障系副教授。伟德bv1946官方网站欧美同学会理事,南京市欧美同学会(鼓楼)会员,南京市侨青会会员。主要研究方向为个体微观行为与公共政策分析。主讲研究生双语课程《微观经济计量方法前沿》、《人力资本理论前沿》,本科生双语课程《人口经济学》等。先后主持完成教育部课题一项,参与国家自然科学基金、国家社会科学基金、教育部人文社会科学项目数项。目前已在SSCI知名期刊发表学术论文近10篇。曾赴美、法、韩等国参加各类国际学术会议交流。
一、 研究方向
二、 研究方法
三、 近5年发表的SSCI期刊论文(独作或一作)
1、 Wen Fan, Yu Liang, The impact of school autonomy and education marketization in
the United Kingdom, Journal of Policy Modeling,42 (2020), 1038–1048.
2、 Wen Fan, Lifang Zhang, Examining Framing Effect when Subject’s Perspective Matters: Evidence from China, Finance Research Letters,35,2020, 101288
3、 Wen Fan, Lifang Zhang, Does Cognition Matter? Applying the Push-Pull-Mooring Model to Chinese Farmers' Willingness to Withdraw from Rural Homesteads,Papers in Regional Science,2019, 98: 2355-2369.
4、 Wen Fan, School Tenure and Student Achievement, School Effectiveness and School Improvement,2017,Vol. 28, No. 4, 578–607.
5、 Wen Fan, Education and Decision-making: An Experimental Study on Framing Effect in China, Frontiers in Psychology, Vol.8, May 2017, 1-7.
6、 Wen Fan, Xiaobo He, Differences in the Response Heterogeneity of Educational Attainment and Achievement to the Same Instrumental Variable (joint with Xiaobo He), Applied Economics Letters, Vol.24, No.18, 2017, 1315-1319.
7、 Wen Fan, Yuanyuan Ma & Liming Wang Do We Need More Public Investment in Higher Education? Estimating the External Returns to Higher Education in China (joint with), Asian Economic Papers, Fall 2015, Vol. 14, No. 3, 88-104.
四、 主持和参与的课题研究