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Call for papers | Public Governance and China’s Economic and Financial Transformation Under the “New Normal”

发布者:gggl 发布时间:2019年04月23日 16:29 浏览次数:




Public Governance and China’s Economic

and Financial Transformation Under the “New Normal”


Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

July 5-6, 2019

Nanjing, China

  After forty years’ reform and opening up, China has made extraordinary economic progress. China’s GDP now is the second largest in the world and the scale of manufacturing has jumped to top of the world. However, as the development of economy and rapid growth of economic aggregate, a number of new issues have been raised. Based on scientific judgement about changes in the international economic development cycle, China has shifted its growth strategy from high growth rates to a more steady and high-quality increase with diversified array of growth drivers.


  The purpose of this conference is to encourage discussion that can contribute to the literature on public governance and economic and financial transformation in China under the “New Normal”. We welcome theoretical, empirical and methodological contributions that can broadly enhance our understanding and knowledge on public governance and economic and financial transformation in China under the “New Normal” to provide practical and beneficial information and suggestions for research and policy analysis.  


Submission Deadlines

Abstracts for full research paper: 5th May, 2019 (Midnight)

Full research paper: 20th June, 2019 (Midnight)


Selected papers to be presented at the conference will be invited to the submission to:

Economic Modelling (SSCI Q2)

International Review of Economics and Finance (SSCI Q2)

Finance Research Letters (SSCI Q3)

Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI Q3)


All the papers will be reviewed by the conference organisers following the journal guidelines.    


Keynote Speakers

Sushanta Kumar Mallick, Queen Mary, University of London; Co-Editor-in-Chief, Economic Modelling


Samuel Vigne, Queen's University Belfast; Chief Editor, Finance Research Letters; Co-Editor, International Review of Economics and Finance



How To Publish In Top

Economics and Finance Journals

Ali M. Kutan, Distinguished Research Professor of Economics and Finance, Department of Economics and Finance, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville; Editor, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade; Co-Editor, Economic Systems

Suggested Research Topics

Labour and social security

Educational policy evaluation

Public governance innovation

International trade and finance

Macro/microeconomic challenges

Financial system and markets

Demographic transition

Sustainable growth and structural transformation

Urban planning and urban administration, urbanisation and regional development

Registration Fee

The conference fee is 600 RMB including conference materials, meals and coffee/tea breaks.


Further Information

All the details of this conference can be found in   

Please send your abstract or full paper to Email: luyin@nufe.edu.cn

This conference is organised by:

Jiangsu Institute of Social Security, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

The School of Public Administration, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

The Editorial Department for the Journal of Industrial Economic Research, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

  This conference aims to conduct leading-edge and advanced research of any fields in public administration, especially focusing on labour and social security, public administration and real estate development and management. For more information about the school, please visit http://gggl.njue.edu.cn/.

