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发布者:人员机构 发布时间:2013年10月23日 00:00 浏览次数:


The Labour Dimension of CSR:fromPrinciples to Practice

November 2-6, 2013 Nanjing P.R. China


The ILO-Business Schools Initiative was launched in 2009 with the aims at building a global network of leading educational institutions and academics working in the field of sustainability and corporate social responsibility. Therefore, the training packages have been jointly developed by ILO, ITC and some prestigious universities in the world for the research and teaching activities that promote education on sustainable and responsible enterprises at a business school level in developing countries.

In its first market-facing capacity building projects, the network has embarked on the development of a teaching module on Sustainable Supply Chains Management (B-Schools project I) and on the revision of a teaching package on The Labour Dimension of CSR: from principles to practice (BSchools project II). The B- School project I involved three institutions: Nottingham University through the International Centre for Corporate Social Responsibility, the International Management Institute of India and Universidad Catolica de Chile. This project coordination was assured by the Multinational Enterprises programme of the ILO. The product was finalized in 2012 after a couple of testing workshops in Ghana, China and Europe. The B-Schools project II on Labour Dimension of CSR was conducted by CRESV Bocconi University, Lingnan (University) College, Sun Yat-sen University and Egade Business Schools, ITESMITC-ILO was coordinating this project, providing oversight, guidance and technical inputs to the training packages in order to ensure the quality, relevance and pedagogy of the package; and also the conformity to ILO messages and markers. The final product was completed in 2013.

The pilot workshop will be jointly organized in Nanjing, China, by ITC and Nanjing University of Finance & Economics to test the training modules on Labour Dimension of CSR and collect the feedback and comments for the improvement of the package.


l To review and validate the technical quality, relevance and pedagogy of The Labour Dimension of CSR: fromprinciples to practice teaching module

l To collect as much information and feedback as possible to improve the training package in terms of contents and pedagogical methodology in the future.

l To discuss the possible and further cooperation with Chinese universities by applying the training package in the teaching curriculumin business schools.


The workshop is especially designed for 20-25 faculties from universities and business schools,management education institutes, international organizations in China.

The participants will be given the opportunity of providing comments on the teaching modules related with the overall quality, relevance and pedagogy of the package.


The workshop will focus on the four modules of the package:

Module 1: Introduction to CSR. The social and labour perspectives

- Introduce key and related concepts

- Origins, assumptions and drivers of sustainability and CSR

- Linkages with firmstrategy and competitiveness

- Different dimensions (internal and external)

- International frames of reference and other initiatives

- CSR-related initiatives: private auditing, certification and verification systems

Module 2: Building partnerships at the workplace through social dialogue

- The concepts of social dialogue, industrial relations, freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining

- The business case for social dialogue

- Possible strategies and steps to be undertaken at the workplace

- Recognize the latest developments in the field of industrial relations

Module 3: Eliminating Forced and Child Labour at theWorkplace

- What forced and child labour are, where they can be found, and what their main causes are.

- Examples of good practices and partnerships in the fight against forced and child labour

- Possible steps to be undertaken at the workplace to combat forced and child labour

Module 4: Promoting equality and diversity at the workplace

- Concepts on non-discrimination and equality of opportunities and treatment at work

- Success factors in the elaboration and implementation of equality and diversity strategies

- Examples of good practices and case studies that implementing a non-discrimination policy benefits not only workers but also enterprises

- Possible strategies and steps to be undertaken at the workplace to integrate equality and discrimination into companies policies and strategies

- On-going initiatives to promote diversity and equality of opportunities and treatment


The Workshop will be conducted in English. Therefore, only the participants who have the knowledge of the working language will be selected.


The participatory approached will be taken in the classroom and all the participants will be encouraged to interact with the facilitators so as to ensure the efficient exchange of information and experience.

The teaching method will include: facilitators presentations, group work and plenary discussions.

The training package for this workshop will be used in English and Chinese before and throughout the workshop.


The resource persons will include specialists fromILO and trainers fromITC, external lectures fromuniversities.


Please send your registration form and your CV to Prof. Hualiang Lu (email:

tonylll@hotmail.com) before Oct. 15, 2013. We will send you confirmation letter when you

are admitted to this workshop.


Prof. Hualiang Lu, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics

Tel: +86 25 84028559


Postal address:

School of Business Administration, University of Finance and Economics

Wenyuan Road 3, Nanjing, 210046


国际劳工组织都灵培训中心将联合我们伟德BETVlCTOR1946源于英国和企业社会责任和可持续发展研究中心共同举办“劳工领域的企业社会责任:从原则到实践”国际研修班。届时将有来自国际劳工组织都灵培训中心外国专家授课。参加本期的培训学员将来自国内外高校研究企业社会责任年轻老师和博士研究生,规模控制在20 人左右。研修班将采用全英语授课。


§ 企业社会责任:概念、定义以及发展,特别是从社会和劳工的角度来探讨

§ 通过社会对话建立工作场所的合作伙伴关系

§ 消除工作场所的强迫劳动和童工

§ 推动和倡导工作场所的平等和多样性

(二)研修日期:2013 年11 月2-6日














2013 年9 月5 日


